Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Cooking Method for Thua Nao Khaep (Lanna Food)

Thua nao khaep is a dry form of fermented beans that can be kept dry and longer in thin round sheets. It can be used as an ingredient in some recipes in the same way as shrimp paste. Each sheet is about 3-4 in. in diameter. (Rattana Phromphichai, 1999, p. 2638; Sumali Thabun, personal communication, June 27, 2007)
1. Soybeans 1 Kg. 
2. Salt 3 Tbsp. 
Cooking method
1. Wash beans thoroughly and let soak until fully expanded.
2. Bring water to a boil and put in the beans.
3. Boil on hot fire until soft and tender. Keep adding water to keep them from getting dry.
4. Ferment the beans.
5. Wrap the beans with dry leaves and leave for 3 days to ferment until a mold begins to form.
6. Pound the beans and salt and season with ground dried chilies.
7. Spread the bean mixture on a large leaf 1-2 tbsp.
8. Cover with another leaf and press turning slightly to form a thin round sheet.
9. Let dry in the sun for three days.
10. Peel off the leaves. The result is a thin dry sheet of fermented beans.
Tips on selecting ingredients
Select fully mature beans.
Rattana Phromphichai. (1999). Thua Nao. In Saranukrom Wattanatham Thai Pak Nuea (Vol.5, pp.2636-2638).Bangkok: The Siam Commercial Bank Foundation for the Encyclopedia of Thai Culture.
See you next time.
Thank you.


  1. The recent beating of a transgender individual in the media highlights the problems facing transgender individuals. The world might be educated by studying how Thailand views and treats transgender individuals. In Thai we call them Katoeys which is translated into Ladyboy in English. I have pioneered the recognition of Ladyboy rights at Uttaradit University in Thailand and look forward to educating people about Thai ladyboys and networking with international ladyboys. As Dean of the Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty at Uttaradit University I am in a unique position to practice what I preach. I have been a leader in recruiting Ladyboys into my faculty where I have learned about their aspirations and their fears. They are very beautiful, just like real women, and Thailand consistently produces the winner of the international Ladyboy competitions throughout the world. I hope this blog helps to dispel some myths about Ladyboys and helps to create an international dialogue. See my ladyboy education blog at

  2. Uttaradit Rajabhat University
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